Release v0.7: Improved security and performance
More than seven months have passed since our last major release, and today we are excited to announce the availability of Mailvelope v0.7.0.
Improved key grid and key import
The performance of the key grid has been optimized in order to reduce the initial loading time and allow the handling of a large number of keys. The key import function has undergone a complete rewrite and now provides a better logging mechanism for warnings and errors during the import process.
Identify public key in email body
One way to exchange keys is by email. When the public key as armored text is part of the email body, Mailvelope can detect the key and mark it with an overlay as is the case with encrypted messages:

On clicking, the Mailvelope options dialog opens and the key is automatically imported.
Firefox add-on nearing completion
Work on the Firefox version of Mailvelope has progressed and the feature set is now almost identical to the Chrome extension. Only the decrypt inline scenario is currently not feasible due to technical limitations. Instead, the Firefox add-on will always display decrypted messages in a pop-up window. Also, the performance needs further improvements before we can officially release the Firefox add-on.
Find the latest packages for both platforms in the releases section on GitHub.
More improvements and fixes
Among others, Mailvelope now generates 2048-bit RSA keys by default, fixes wrong encoding of non-ASCII characters in messages and adds a reference to Mailvelope in the PGP header comment. See changelog for a complete list of changes.
Mailvelope v0.7.0 for Chrome is now available in the Chrome Web Store.